ENCA member James at San Juan: from left to right: Luis Diaz Terán (Spanish volunteer at COPINH), Abener Jimenez, James Watson and Melvin Jimenez
13th August, 2015
My short time in Honduras has come to an end, but I have been privileged to be a part of several struggles of life-changing importance for Honduran people both at local and national levels, as they fight against the corruption and injustice in their country. I have been able to maintain contact with COPINH and their partners, and here I finish my blog series with an update on 2 of the main issues that I have been following. The San Juan farming cooperative’s continuing struggle for their land and the national Indignados anti-corruption movement continue to move forward, and they provide an excellent overview of the issues facing Honduras and how they fit together.
Local Struggles – San Juan Farmers Struggle On
I visited San Juan several times, and stayed with the farmers of a co-operative that have faced intimidation, sabotage and murder for their attempt to protect their farmland from private sale. As I reported on the 3rd of July the 26 families in the coop had been usurped ...more>>>